Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Had to Grab These Pics

When I was in college, I was lucky to be a part of our school's Internet Service Provider -CNMS (Center for Network Management and Services) as a system administrator. The other students thought we were the cool studs, but the truth was-behind the techs we got to handle was a lot of responsibilities. And im not saying responsibilities like it was a daunting and tiring task, I'm saying it proudly. We were multi tasking, we had open door policy-we didn't call our professionals (that's what we call those who were not students) sir or ma'am and it was all about talent. Even if we were students, most of us held positions-supervisors, team leaders and etc.

I came accros these pics in our yahoo group. It was there since 2004 and I just had to grab them. We barely had time to have fun, and these pics were taken during one of our gen. cleaning. Its purelly jologs and chaos...hehehe

clockwise: Lem, Arnold-our official techie guy who I liked to call by his last name (Bugtas), Rose and me.
clockwise: Lalay, Malou the model, Dave (davie boy, the one who liked to give me bear hugs!) and Apple the supervisor.

The guy in white is Bernard. Lem and him just got married last May.

TAP was open til 9 pm. I think this was on a weekend....

Food? I think these photos were taken during my birthday. We had spag, cake and drinks, I think.

Then disco. hehehehe. those were the days. The school scholars had no time to go out.

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