Sunday, November 16, 2008


It's four in the morning and I (again) am cramming to beat a deadline. Ugh! This set is just for 20 keyword articles yet its been seven days and I'm not even half way there yet. I'm really bothered with my hubby's probs. If he is drinking to get over the fear or anxiety, I'm sleeping mine off. It's a good thing I got two new things this week. I finally have a planner for 2009 and I got a watch with interchangeable straps and cricular band or something. I do not usually go for cheap stuff (hehehe, when it comes to watches lang), but it looked sosyal and it came in a fancy box. It also has a black strap which I can use when I just wear t-shirt. (usually the case nowadays since I have loads of vintage tees). enough said.need to work again.ugh!

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