Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Falling Again

Its back to haunt me. I guess this is what happens when you put off something for a long time. Its true that time does not heal anything.

Yesterday, I felt like I was falling into a bottomless pit again. Luckily it was American Idol season 7 finale, so I had something to be excited about. And falling wasn't really falling, more like falling with something to hold on to.

My day was spent doing all my chores and work so I would have the evening off and I could watch American Idol without any interruptions. I enjoyed the show and my niece who would shriek in her cute little voice "David Cook!". However, my loneliness had sunk in after the show-just after all the excitement had faded. And just like any normal feeling of being lonely and depressed, it left me feeling empty. I decided to drink it off and it did work for the time being.

I love being drunk because it gives me a feeling of being carefree and it makes me sleep. So after a little booze I went to bed early only to wake up by midnight. I came to haunt me again. I was falling into this bottomless pit again.